Bermudiana | Theme Preview

On this page you will find a basic overview of the theme settings for the theme developed for the Bermudiana theme, such as Typography, CTA settings and a list of modules and where to see them in action.

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading

Integer viverra neque at augue dapibus faucibus. Nam vel iaculis nisi. Nunc erat nibh, viverra nec eros sed, venenatis luctus nisl. In ultrices massa a nunc faucibus egestas. Sed maximus nunc sed turpis vestibulum, in laoreet ipsum efficitur.

Vestibulum consequat augue at nunc ullamcorper, et molestie ipsum iaculis. Donec non fermentum neque. Morbi sed dui eros. Donec pulvinar vulputate felis, et maximus sapien euismod quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam ut lectus accumsan, finibus neque eget, pellentesque est.

Call to actions

There are multiple CTA styles available within the theme, these are comprised of a two-part class system.

For Example: "primary-cta dark-cta" will produce the following:

Primary CTA, Purple


Secondary CTA, Purple


Text CTA, Dark


Primary CTA, White


Secondary CTA, White


Text CTA, White
